How To Stop A Anxiety Attack: Success

Success Stories

FasterEFT-Eutaptics is a ground-breaking approach when it comes to dealing with anxiety attacks.

The primary reason that FasterEFT is so effective in handling anxiety attacks is that it gets rid of the problem from the source, rather than just addressing signs and symptoms.

Anxiety attacks go beyond the normal feeling of anxiousness.

Read: Faster EFT Tapping for Stress and Anxiety

These anxiety attacks can cause distress that may lead to a person not having a normal healthy life.

Constant worry, fear, and feeling overwhelmed can stop someone from progressing in their lives and living a healthy life.

FasterEFT is the best anxiety remedy for those who want results quickly, without spending thousands of dollars on medication and therapy.

Danial Lashehe had been suffering from anxiety attacks related to money before he started using FasterEFT.

He says,

“Before I found Faster EFT, I had gigantic anxiety issues, that were very core-like and they affected every area of my life.  I remember that when I used to receive my paychecks, the anxiety levels were so high around having money that I found myself spending it all in just a few days. And back then I was not aware of the emotional state that I was in.”

Are You A “Trance Monkey”?

As Danial says above, he wasn’t “aware of the emotional state” he was in.  

In FasterEFT we refer to that as being in a trance, hypnotic state or being a “trance monkey”.

We are constantly in and out of trances.

Hypnotic trances.

You’ll notice that when you are doing anything mundane like driving, doing housework, washing the dishes, taking a shower –  you’re in a particular passive state.

You no longer need to consciously make each decision for every movement.
You are able to clean your house pretty much on automatic.

You’re able to drive without thinking about every action – you’re able to drive without consciously thinking about it.

Again, you’re on automatic.
This is how we’re able to survive and thrive in our environment.

We learn through repetition – be it walking, driving, reading and writing.

The specific actions related to an experience are recorded in the cerebellum (the “seat of the subconscious”) part of the brain.

In addition to this, the chemical state of the body is also recorded, so that it can be reproduced for that specific experience in the future.

Read: How Does FasterEFT Work – The Science Behind FasterEFT

Over 90% of our daily life is conducted in a trance.

You’re in one trance during your morning routine; in another trance on your journey to work, or to the gym.

You’re in another trance when you interact with loved ones, and you’re in a different trance while you’re interacting with your colleagues or performing routine tasks at work.

The FasterEFT Solution for Anxiety Attacks

Danial says,

“As I began using Faster EFT, today I am completely at peace with my life and having money and good friends. When I look back, my life is completely different today.”

The reason you are able to drive home for 30 minutes and not remember the journey is because your subconscious was effectively driving while your conscious mind was focused on something else.

In the same way, your reactions to the world around you and the challenges you experience in your life are not conscious.

They are automatic responses based on the data held in the subconscious, just like the driving.

This means that in order to change those automatic responses, you need to change that data.

So Danials’ fear of money manifested itself as anxiety attacks.

When he changed the original records held in his subconscious mind using FasterEFT, his resulting trances changed as well.

Danial says,

“It is truly amazing and the benefits and changes I have had with this modality [FasterEFT] are beyond what I expected them to be.”

Using FasterEFT to address anxiety attacks is a great start.

Follow the steps in The FasterEFT Technique – Step-by-Step.

But in order to continue to see improvements in your daily life, and to reduce the frequency of your anxiety attacks, it is essential to use the technique in the moment.

In other words, as soon as you notice something is bothering you – no matter what it is – tap it out, right there, in the moment.

Read Danial Lashehe’s original story here.

Contact Jacqueline to help resolve your panic attacks-


Heal your Body!!

Create the health YOU want.   Change your mind and the body will follow.


March 22nd-25th, 2018

Do you want to set yourself free from your illness, disease, diagnosis, emotional traumas, self-doubts, hurtful memories and create a peaceful life for you and those you love? Have you tried EVERYTHING to get well?

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Do you need relief? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading.

Robert Gene Smith, the creator of FasterEFT and Eutaptics, is coming to Brisbane with his Heal Your Body seminar, a part of the Heal Yourself Series.  Robert will help you to understand how to address all kinds of physical issues:

  • Chronic Illness
  • Pain
  • Disease
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Physical Performance Issues
  • OCD, Eating Disorders, Self Harm

Relationship issues arising from supporting a chronically ill family member….and SO MUCH MORE!

This will be one of the most powerful and unique learning opportunities you could ever experience.  You will learn how to use cutting-edge techniques to address these issues in the privacy of your own mind. You will finally be given the tools to take control of your life and the skills that Robert Gene Smith teaches can be applied in many situations. There will be opportunities to be a demonstration subject, on a STRICTLY VOLUNTARY basis. You will also gain benefits from observing and practicing while demonstrations are going on.

We understand that chronic illness, dis-ease and other debilitating conditions of the body/mind often come with a high financial cost in addition to the emotional turmoil.  For this reason, we are offering this ONE TIME EVENT at a deeply discounted price to accommodate as many people as possible.


Joyful, Wealthy $ Worthy ME!!

Fed up with money challenges?

Stressed/ Never enough/Bills mounting up….

Unlock limiting beliefs

Discover secrets about how to increase your wealthy and abundance

Live in unlimited abundance


For many years I studied finance, law of attraction and wealth generating activities.

I became very successful. I am ready and willing to help you do this the EASY way!!

Come join us.

12th October- 16th November. 6 week online webinar course. Contact me for further

details; 0422 164 909

Many comparable programs charge thousands.

Save $100’s. Limited time only $249-


Stressed !!##@@

Did you know that it is estimated that 75-90% of all doctors visits are stress related?

Stress & emotions are  the leading cause of health problems.

95% of illness comes from stress, and 100% of stress comes from faulty beliefs. Most faulty beliefs can be traced back to childhood events or trauma.

We all know that stress effects our bodies and our ability to perform.

But what is stress really?

Stress is the bodies reaction to perception.

Stress has a positive intention behind it, to keep us safe. However stressors can wear out our bodies and even kill us!

The way you view the world ultimately triggers the stress response in your body. Anger suppresses the immune system, even recalling an angry experience cause a 6 hour suppression of the immune system.

Constant stress (distorted perceptions, negative beliefs and life trauma etc) puts the body in a protection mode as opposed to the growth mode. When the body/cells perceive a threat they close down and stop detoxifying. Protein is not taken into the cell. This compromises health on a cellular level says Dr Bruce Lipton, Biologist.

Stress can be called a skill or a conditioned response not a place or situation.

Stress is the body’s reaction based on recorded information. Perception is developed beginning at birth.

For example if you were walking in the jungle  and see a lion (well just go with me on this!) you would be afraid. Hundreds of changes would occur inside your body once you see the image and perceive it is a lion. Your body would tell your entire body/system to respond to this perceived threat. Your heart, breath rates would change, adrenalin would be flowing, all the blood in your digestive system would go to your arms and legs ready to run…. However if you did not know what a lion was you would not have a stress reaction.

If you are late for a deadline, it is not the deadline that is stressed, but what you believe will happen as a result of the time.

What happens inside your mind determines what’s happening in your life now- whatever you think your body follows.

The body is the servant of the mind– it just expresses what the mind holds.

Discover simple self empowering, simple and highly effective techniques that you can use  anywhere to eliminate and manage your stress and create a life you’ve always wanted.

Book in now for a free 30 minute session.


Stress Release Coach

P.S. Stressed spelt backwards  =  desserts (could be healthy ones) !!

What would you rather have??

healthy dessert


Disease is caused by 3 main things?

What do you think they are?? Surprisingly or not Dr Bruce Lipton, famous Biologist says the following:

  1. Toxins
  2. Trauma
  3. Thoughts

So what can you do about this?

Clear out your body of toxins, perhaps see a naturopath

Our subconscious does not know the difference between a real threat or a perceived one. In many cases the trauma is still feeling very real, even if it took place a long time ago.

Our thoughts create a lot of stress for our body. It is said that we have about 70,000 thoughts a day, many of them are repetitive and unhelpful.

How many of your thoughts are supportive, and empowering?

A surprise too perhaps, many of our thoughts are negative and go around and around in circles. What does this mean for us?

Dr Lipton also says that “The body is the servant of the mind”. So what the mind holds and feels  the body follows. A good example of this is you have to speak in front of people  you may be a little nervous, and  in your body this is felt as  butterflies in your stomach.

Our body reacts to our minds perception of a particular situation.

Our mind is like a computer that has many old out dated programs that we don’t need anymore or are no longer useful for us. They take up valuable space and need to be deleted to make room for new ones. More supportive, empowering, life enhancing ones!

So maybe its time to look at what our minds hold, release the stress and clear ourselves.

Bringing ourselves to a state of wellbeing and health. Ready to experience our natural state of JOY, in the flow of the Joy of Living.

Book in now for sessions to easily clear out your mind/computer programs, your body will reward you greatly!!


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