What do you think they are?? Surprisingly or not Dr Bruce Lipton, famous Biologist says the following:
- Toxins
- Trauma
- Thoughts
So what can you do about this?
Clear out your body of toxins, perhaps see a naturopath
Our subconscious does not know the difference between a real threat or a perceived one. In many cases the trauma is still feeling very real, even if it took place a long time ago.
Our thoughts create a lot of stress for our body. It is said that we have about 70,000 thoughts a day, many of them are repetitive and unhelpful.
How many of your thoughts are supportive, and empowering?
A surprise too perhaps, many of our thoughts are negative and go around and around in circles. What does this mean for us?
Dr Lipton also says that “The body is the servant of the mind”. So what the mind holds and feels the body follows. A good example of this is you have to speak in front of people you may be a little nervous, and in your body this is felt as butterflies in your stomach.
Our body reacts to our minds perception of a particular situation.
Our mind is like a computer that has many old out dated programs that we don’t need anymore or are no longer useful for us. They take up valuable space and need to be deleted to make room for new ones. More supportive, empowering, life enhancing ones!
So maybe its time to look at what our minds hold, release the stress and clear ourselves.
Bringing ourselves to a state of wellbeing and health. Ready to experience our natural state of JOY, in the flow of the Joy of Living.
Book in now for sessions to easily clear out your mind/computer programs, your body will reward you greatly!!