Did you know that it is estimated that 75-90% of all doctors visits are stress related?
Stress & emotions are  the leading cause of health problems.
95% of illness comes from stress, and 100% of stress comes from faulty beliefs. Most faulty beliefs can be traced back to childhood events or trauma.
We all know that stress effects our bodies and our ability to perform.
But what is stress really?
Stress is the bodies reaction to perception.
Stress has a positive intention behind it, to keep us safe. However stressors can wear out our bodies and even kill us!
The way you view the world ultimately triggers the stress response in your body. Anger suppresses the immune system, even recalling an angry experience cause a 6 hour suppression of the immune system.
Constant stress (distorted perceptions, negative beliefs and life trauma etc) puts the body in a protection mode as opposed to the growth mode. When the body/cells perceive a threat they close down and stop detoxifying. Protein is not taken into the cell. This compromises health on a cellular level says Dr Bruce Lipton, Biologist.
Stress can be called a skill or a conditioned response not a place or situation.
Stress is the body’s reaction based on recorded information. Perception is developed beginning at birth.
For example if you were walking in the jungle  and see a lion (well just go with me on this!) you would be afraid. Hundreds of changes would occur inside your body once you see the image and perceive it is a lion. Your body would tell your entire body/system to respond to this perceived threat. Your heart, breath rates would change, adrenalin would be flowing, all the blood in your digestive system would go to your arms and legs ready to run…. However if you did not know what a lion was you would not have a stress reaction.
If you are late for a deadline, it is not the deadline that is stressed, but what you believe will happen as a result of the time.
What happens inside your mind determines what’s happening in your life now- whatever you think your body follows.
The body is the servant of the mind– it just expresses what the mind holds.
Discover simple self empowering, simple and highly effective techniques that you can use  anywhere to eliminate and manage your stress and create a life you’ve always wanted.
Book in now for a free 30 minute session.
Stress Release Coach
P.S. Stressed spelt backwards =  desserts (could be healthy ones) !!
What would you rather have??